Good nutrition makes for healthy bodies and healthy minds. Challenger students are offered healthy and nutritious meal choices for breakfast and lunch on our campus daily. The meals are provided by the San Diego Unified Food and Nutrition Services department and follow the nutrition guidelines prescribed by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. We serve whole-grain rich products; low fat and fat free milk; 100% fruit and/or vegetable juices; and a variety of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Food and beverages brought to school should be nutritious, low in fat, and low in sugar content. Energy drinks such as Red Bull, Monster, and sodas are not allowed.
In addition, our school participates in the Garden to Cafe program where the EcoSquad grows organic fruit and vegetables. As the harvest allows, the food is made available for the cafeteria to use for student meals.
Free/Reduced Cost Meal Program - Breakfast and lunch are currently free for all California students.
Food and Nutrition School Menus
SDUSD Food and Nutrition Department