Electronic devices include, but are not limited to, cell phones, smart watches, tablets, cameras, iPods, and MP3 players. All electronic devices shall be turned off and stored in backpacks during the school day from the time of the advisory bell to the time of the dismissal bell. This means students are not allowed to talk, text, or record during passing period, class time, lunch time, and testing time except when being used for a valid instructional or other school related purpose as determined by the teacher or other district employee. A student who brings an electronic device to school is responsible for ensuring that ECD does not disrupt class or any school function. If an electronic device rings or vibrates during class or other school activity, it will be confiscated and consequences will be issued as outlined below. The school is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal electronic devices.
Students are required to follow Network Use Guidelines – unauthorized use and violations will result in the confiscation of the electronic device. Under Education Code Section 48901.5, the school is authorized to regulate possession or use of Electronic Communication Devices by students who are on campus, who attend school-sponsored activities, or who are under the supervision of school district employees.
Any device with camera, video or voice recording function shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights of any other person and they must be turned off and kept out of site when in the PE locker room and bathrooms. A student is prohibited from using an electronic device’s camera and/or video functions except when being used for a valid instruction or other school related purpose as determined by the teacher or other district employee, while on campus, while at a school activity, or while under the supervision of school staff whether on or off campus.
Students who engage in inappropriate use, access or sharing of personal, school or individual electronic data will be subject to disciplinary action. Inappropriate electronic communication which is demeaning, harassing, bullying or teasing based upon sex, race, ethnicity, religion, disability (physical and mental), sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation may be subject to legal and/or disciplinary action. These guidelines apply when going to and from school or to and from a school-related activity on school grounds and at any school-related activity supervised by school personnel.
Electronic devices must not be used for bullying, harassing, threatening, or teasing of students or school staff. Electronic devices must not be used to send threats and must not contain photos that are sexually explicit, photos of illegal activities, or photos of unlawful drugs or drug paraphernalia. If a student brings an ECD to school, the site Administrators reserve the right to search electronic devices and review photos, videos, voicemail messages, text messages, and any other capabilities when there is reasonable suspicion and/or when the law otherwise allows. If a parent objects to the school viewing items on the phone or listening to or reading messages, then the parent shall not allow the child to bring an electronic device to school. The school may also share the electronic device with police.
If a student whose electronic device has disrupted the school refuses to turn their electronic device over to staff immediately when requested or if a student uses a electronic device in a manner that violates this handbook or other school rules, the student will be disciplined for disruption and/or willful defiance, which may include after school detention, In-School-Suspension, or Suspension, and the student may be prohibited from bringing an electronic device to school or activities.
Consequences for Confiscation of Electronic Device
● 1st offense – take away and pick up at the end of class
● 2nd offense – take away, call home return at the end of the day from the office
● 3rd + offense – check it in the office at the beginning of the day, returned at the end of the day from the office. Length of time for this action determined by administration.