Academic Honesty

One of the goals of Challenger Middle School is to teach the values of integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness. Challenger students are upstanding citizens, however, we recognize mistakes may occur. Acts of academic dishonesty may include the following:

Cheating on Tests or Assignments: If a student cheats or knowingly assists another student to cheat, consequences will be imposed.

Forgery: Forgery is imitating or counterfeiting another person's signature.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is copying another person's work, data, disk, homework assignments, and/or textbook material (including any published print and electronic material) and is claiming the work as the student's own work.

Theft of Alteration of Materials: A student is guilty of theft or alteration of materials if student steals, exchanges, or alters test documents, class materials, and/or teacher's records. This includes a student involved in selling, distributing or accepting stolen testing materials or a student who refuses to cooperate in an investigation of cheating.

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